Wow guys! What an amazing performance by you all! Thank you so much for the surge in orders!
Going into the weekend, I was thinking of how much love I have for this group of people- many of whom I don’t even know in real life!
Today my “ask” is a pretty easy one, I think. You know, I never really made a push to get people to like the Ophelia, Doll Facebook page, it just popped up as a necessity of the contest and before I knew it we had more than 200 followers! I know many of you (like myself) are gun shy when it comes to asking for people to invest their hard earned dollars, so today I’m asking for a different type of support that doesn’t cost a dime!
Can you help support my book by asking your friends and family to like the Ophelia, Doll Facebook page ( ? This way, even if I don’t win the contest, I’ll have a hefty group of people backing me as I shop the book around to other publishers.
The best way to help direct people to our page is by either sharing the post I made today and tagging those among your FB friends that you think would be most interested, or just tagging them in the comment section of the post itself! See! Simple!
Thank you all for your random acts of kindness. I literally couldn’t have done this without you. (lol, see what I did there? Literally! Ha ha ha! I slay me!)